
DAY 12 @ USA

The second last day at Hong’s place!!! Today we went to San Francisco. Going to bed late the night before, we slept until around 8am, being waken up by my dad’s phone call. “WHY DON’T YOU GET UP? ENGLAND VS PORTUGAL!!!” haha~ We are watching the other match in San Francisco~

We went to the China Town of San Francisco to have breakfast (probably brunch). On the way there, we ate some of the fruits that we bought yesterday. We went there to have some congee (Hong made a mistake~ She thought that the “sang-gwun-ngao-yuk-juk” equals to “min-chi-ngao-yuk-juk”!!), “ngao-lei-so” and “ja-leung”. They were very delicious but the portion was too big.

Then we joined Hong’s sister’s friend Daniel to watch the World Cup match at Little Italy (a region where there are a lot of italian people and shops). The better pubs and restaurants were full of people. We went into a small pub. The pubs here are non-smoking, which is SO GOOD. The pub seems to me that it is a place for the oldies…oops! The atmosphere was not too good but the TVs were good.

France won! Wow~ Before the match, I actually hoped that France would won because Spain was defeated in the previous round. If France is really that good, Spain is not shameful to lose. I’m not too sure if the whole team is good or not but Zidane is really fit today. Looking forward to the future matches.

After watching the game, we walked around the city: China Town, Union Square, Cable Car museum…and some places that I don’t know how to name.

Daniel said that the triangular building behind us is a bank.

This is a very famous street (I don’t know the exact name of it). Have you ever seen the Mainland version of karaoke of Miriam’s “joi-kin-yi-ding-muk”? It was filmed here. (I wonder how it is related!!!)

Hong’s sister had left afterwards. She went to see a concert (the group is called “Il Divo”, they sing the theme song of the World Cup this year~) tonight. So only Hong and I remained. Then we went to the Fishermen Wharf.

There are a lot of seafood restaurants near the pier. We bought some fish and chips to eat. It was quite expensive but tasted good.

We walked around the nice shops and enjoying there for a long time.

Very nice environment.

There was a gallery showing different artwork. Remember sea otters?

I like this very much. Seal family~

We finally had our dinner late. We ate in the Rainforest Cafe. The one in Hong Kong has closed for many years. I love this restaurant so much! Nice environment, nice food.

When we drove back home, I was super sleepy. Hong told me to sleep…but I think, I’m sleepy, she must be sleepy too, I should chat with her in order to keep her alert. But…I failed to do this. I fell asleep very soon in the car.

Need to get up early tomorrow morning again. We are going to Hong’s church.

30-6-2006:享受陽光half moon bay.書卷氣@stanford

DAY 11 @ USA

I’m SUPER STUPID!!! I got a sunburn! I feel very hot on the skin of my arms now!!!

We got up very late this morning (we chatted until very late last night). I missed the chance to talk to Day in MSN.

And I will not be able to talk to him tomorrow morning as well. We are going to San Francisco tomorrow!!!

We went to the Half Moon Bay today. We expected to come across farms that we could pick cherries there. However, only fresh fruits were sold. We then went to the beach directly. It was sunny but also windy and it was a bit cold.

The beach was very long and beautiful. The weather was so good. There were not so many people on the beach. Only a few families went camping there. We then walked onto the beach. The sand was warm and comfortable to touch. The sea water was freezing!!!

We lied on the sand. It was so comfortable that we didn’t want to leave.

The beach was so big and not crowded (it is so difficult to find a space in the beahces in Hong Kong during summertime~).

When we left the beach, we stopped at a fruit shop in front of a farm. We bought some strawberries, cherries (there are yellow and red cherries) and mo-fa-guo. It was the first time I eat mo-fa-guo. Its outlook is like an eggplant. But the texture is like a “lum-chi”. Hong said that it contains a lot of fibre!!! Very healthy.

Hong has prepared a box and water for washing the fruits so that we could eat them as soon as we bought them. The fruits were so sweet and fresh!!! This is California!!!

We then went to Stanford. Hong’s sister is now studying there for her master. She took me to look around. Hong and I went to the Stanford Mall first. We had our lunch there (but the time was already tea time), in MacDonald’s (I ate the chicken sticks, which is not sold in Hong Kong).

The letter “S” (stanford) at the main entrance. A must-take-photo spot.

The chapel was very beautiful. Hong’s sister said that alumni of the university can get married in it but she will not because she doesn’t want to see that the seats are not completely filled up. Haha~

Medical school of the Stanford University. Taking a picture with Benson (Hong’s boyfriend, his name appeared yesterday).

We then had our dinner in a Japanese restaurant in a town nearby.

Hong’s sister was the boss tonight. She has just received her salary. A very nice meal!!!


DAY 10 @ USA

umum… Still not feeling well today.

I woke up naturally around 8am in the morning. I sat in front of the computer but unable to talk to Day and Ga Jie logically. It was a MESS! Day told me to go to sleep again. When I woke up again, it was already 12noon!!! Feeling much better when I finally got up.

Super hungry, I looked for food in the fridge. Except the vegetable buns I ate yesterday, I couldn’t locate anything for breakfast. Reheating it by steaming, wait for 10 minutes, oh no, too little water in the pot!!! I’m really sorry, Hong.

Luckily the kitchen was not burnt.

Hong came back a bit earlier than I expected (the smell was still here), we left home around 2pm. Today our destination was the Mystery Spot at Santa Cruz (see, a lot of names in California are in Spanish, a place very close to us is called Los Gatos<–which means the cats!!!).

On the way to Santa Cruz.

We missed the exit to Santa Cruz!!! But really need to T-H-A-N-K G-O-D! After we exited the freeway, looking for the way to the Mystery Spot, being confused on the street, the visitor information centre was just IN FRONT OF US!!! How can it be so amazing?! We finally got to the Mystery Spot with just 45 minutes.

The Mystery Spot is a place where it is said to have an unusual magnetic field so that anything would be pulled towards the field. I doubt about this theory but it is quite interesting.

When I stand straightly, my body leans forward without falling. Try this posture on a level ground. It is impossible to do this.

We had to join the 30-minute guided tour to visit the Mystery Spot. The guide showed us a lot of experiments. We had a chance to take part in those experiments.

Of course we need to take a picture in front of the entrance~

We then drive back home. Before going home, we went to a Chinese supermarket to buy something.

We saw a wild deer on the way we drove back home!!! How can you imagine you see a deer when you are driving??

The Chinese supermarket is very large and there are even more different kinds of food selling there. They sell various kinds of fresh vegetables and frozen, canned, dried Chinese food of brands of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Reaching home!!! A picture taken in front of the big entrance of Hong’s apartment.

I had to sleep again. Another 2 hours. I woke up only when dinner was ready.

Benson (Hong’s boyfriend) came here this evening. He cooked ALL the dishes (Hong, of course, helped a bit with the preparation work~) we had tonight!!! It was SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Onion beef ribs, steamed eggs, fried vegetables with garlic and rice seasoned by garlic!!! Wow~






發燒啦~都唔知因乜事忽然間發燒﹗而家都有一兩個differential diagnosis啦~開頭覺得係感冒,因為systemic upset:頭痛、發燒、周身累、痛(其實都幾non-specific,因為六姨屋企o個張床訓到成個人凹入去,醒都會周身痛﹗)、又冇respiratory symptoms喎,我打o左流感針之後幾個月都冇試過感冒,唔通美國o既strain同香港唔同,cover唔到乎?我朝早食o左兩粒panadol之後一兩個鐘就退o左燒啦,覺得好o左好多,晏少少(藥力過o左?)又好似有D燒,但到夜晚竟然精神爽利﹗我而家覺得發燒應該係因為牙痛﹗智慧齒逼出o黎,有D inflammation,以致有systemic inflammatory response~所以快來快去?﹗我都唔知呀,感冒冇理由好得咁快…算啦,總之之後幾日唔好咁操勞啦~

架飛機真係離晒譜,原本十點半起飛,點知delay o左,十一點半都未上機,終於上o左機喇,又搞o左有成半個鐘先起飛﹗遲o左好多啦~係飛機上面都唔係好訓得著,訓得少少o羅~有飲品serve我都只係要o左熱茶咋(如果飲咖啡o既話係starbucks出品o架~)~醒目ta﹗

我知道飛機上面冇食物serve之後買定份三文治上機食,我又買o左subway o既submarine啦﹗今日係turkey breast,用honey oat麵包﹗雖然冇toasted,但都好好味啊~

去到中途站denver(我都唔知究竟係咩地方﹗),我都唔知架飛機已經遲o左幾多,出去閘外面閒逛o左一陣,原本想買張denver o既postcard,因為難得有機會o黎到丫嘛~但都冇﹗對面有間咖啡點,哇,杯icebrewed marble mocha好吸引啊﹗


第二程仲辛苦,又訓唔著,本da vinci code又睇完,冇「世藝」﹗擔天望地…哎吔吔~阿婆ta又出現了,腰好痛呀~




我o地對住個電視食康皓珊準備o既晚餐(菇菇蛋肉片麵、菜<–好味道﹗),送飯o既有錄影帶,係benson(康o既男朋友)以前錄起o既「師奶強人」(睇o既時候忽然覺得COSH o既吱喳dennis好似阮兆祥﹗哈﹗),10個舊﹗睇完之後睇番美國o既本地電視台,有america’s next top model呀(原來已經是重播了)﹗有重播世界盃,巴西對加納(聽英文旁述好搞笑,kaka、cafu、kaka,佢o地傳o黎傳去,好似漏口咁…),又有國語劇集,陳浩民有份做~

之後上樓hea下hea下咁o羅~睇下康皓珊(應該係我o地中學時)D舊相,大家個樣都大個o左好多呢(尤其係阿day﹗好大分別呢~)~又睇下康D sketch book(佢o既招牌熊貓經常出現﹗)~之後同康露明係度勁睇youtube D短片,勁搞笑﹗
