28-7-2014:加州婚禮+夏威夷day 3(part 1).Campbell小鎮百年古蹟散步

7月27日完成咗珊珊嘅大日子,28號我哋就走咯,進入我哋旅程嘅下一階段﹗今次一場嚟到美國,梗係好好玩一次至走啦,係planning嘅好初期已經諗住順道去夏威夷了,對於呢個又美麗海灘、火山等自然美景,又有特別風土人情嘅地方,早已非常嚮往了~我哋三藩市飛檀香山嘅飛機下晝三點左右起飛,前往機場嘅shuttle十二點半左右嚟Campbell Inn接我哋,所以我哋仲有一個早上可以係附近行下~SONY DSC

呢兩晚係Campbell Inn都住得幾舒服丫﹗呢度仲有泳池添呢,我哋都冇時間游下添~泳池旁啲桌椅後面就係食早餐嘅地方了~ 閱讀全文

26-7-2014:加州婚禮+夏威夷day 1(part 2).幸福滿滿的上頭祝福

今次再嚟美國時我同day已經係一個家庭嘅單位嚟過關入境了,美國嘅immigration出名多嘢問同埋花時間,但今次問咗我哋兩個問題嚟做乜嚟幾耐就放我哋過去了,等埋行李都好快就出到嚟啦~不過飛機delay咗,唔知airport shuttle嗰度影唔影響呢?DSCN0060

今次住嘅酒店,係珊珊一早幫我哋訂好咗離三藩市較遠,但位於離佢住家、婚禮場所較近嘅Campbell,所以一般嘅公共交通就去唔到隸屬San Jose嘅呢個小鎮了~我出發前預先上網訂咗一間叫做SuperShuttle嘅公司, 閱讀全文

25-7-2014:加州婚禮+夏威夷day 0.第一站首爾


點解美國嘅trip個blog title會係「第一站首爾」呢,因為我哋去程會係首爾轉機,中間transit時間有11個鐘,我呢個韓迷梗係唔會乖乖地留係機場啦,何況仁川國際機場個蒸氣房我哋以前就(蠢蠢地)去過了(請參閱:14-4-2012:首爾濟州櫻花遊day 7.笨蛋的奇遇),有11個鐘,絕對有足夠時間入境去玩丫﹗首爾嘅detail大家記得留意下一篇blog啊~

今次又係凌晨機,我哋起飛時間係凌晨一點鐘,所以先一晚十點左右就要由屋企出發啦﹗時間咁夜,day仲可以照返工,放工返嚟悠閒出街食個飯(悠閒到食咗「牛角」嘅燒肉﹗﹗),返屋企沖個涼至再出門口﹗行李都多多地,除咗我哋自己嘅兩隻喼之外,要幫珊珊由香港帶套裙褂過去,同埋佢嘅禮物﹗怕寄行李寄失,破壞咗人哋一生人一次嘅完美婚禮,我決定hand carry套裙褂啦,所以一袋二袋的~


搭機場巴士去機場ing~ 閱讀全文

30-6-2006:享受陽光half moon bay.書卷氣@stanford

DAY 11 @ USA

I’m SUPER STUPID!!! I got a sunburn! I feel very hot on the skin of my arms now!!!

We got up very late this morning (we chatted until very late last night). I missed the chance to talk to Day in MSN.

And I will not be able to talk to him tomorrow morning as well. We are going to San Francisco tomorrow!!!

We went to the Half Moon Bay today. We expected to come across farms that we could pick cherries there. However, only fresh fruits were sold. We then went to the beach directly. It was sunny but also windy and it was a bit cold.

The beach was very long and beautiful. The weather was so good. There were not so many people on the beach. Only a few families went camping there. We then walked onto the beach. The sand was warm and comfortable to touch. The sea water was freezing!!!

We lied on the sand. It was so comfortable that we didn’t want to leave.

The beach was so big and not crowded (it is so difficult to find a space in the beahces in Hong Kong during summertime~).

When we left the beach, we stopped at a fruit shop in front of a farm. We bought some strawberries, cherries (there are yellow and red cherries) and mo-fa-guo. It was the first time I eat mo-fa-guo. Its outlook is like an eggplant. But the texture is like a “lum-chi”. Hong said that it contains a lot of fibre!!! Very healthy.

Hong has prepared a box and water for washing the fruits so that we could eat them as soon as we bought them. The fruits were so sweet and fresh!!! This is California!!!

We then went to Stanford. Hong’s sister is now studying there for her master. She took me to look around. Hong and I went to the Stanford Mall first. We had our lunch there (but the time was already tea time), in MacDonald’s (I ate the chicken sticks, which is not sold in Hong Kong).

The letter “S” (stanford) at the main entrance. A must-take-photo spot.

The chapel was very beautiful. Hong’s sister said that alumni of the university can get married in it but she will not because she doesn’t want to see that the seats are not completely filled up. Haha~

Medical school of the Stanford University. Taking a picture with Benson (Hong’s boyfriend, his name appeared yesterday).

We then had our dinner in a Japanese restaurant in a town nearby.

Hong’s sister was the boss tonight. She has just received her salary. A very nice meal!!!