4-11-2013:西班牙day 5(part 2).感情澎湃的佛林明哥@Sevilla

幾經辛苦去完個(錯o既)巴士站之後,又未夠鐘去睇show,可以好好打算一下去邊~正規o既大景點,即阿卡乍堡呀、鬥牛場呀嗰啲好似唔夠時間,而且都係五、六點就關門…既然我哋今晚去睇flamenco,不如就去flamenco博物館啦~我哋兩本旅遊書之中,得一本有介紹咋~其實都有少少難搵,因為佢位於Santa Cruz錯綜複雜o既小街之中,旅遊書教你點去都唔係講佢實際o既地址,而係叫你去某個plaza,再揀其中一條路行,之後自己執生﹗plaza好易搵到,但之後都兜咗兩轉至去到個museum~

flamenco museum好似係一位好熱愛flamenco o既有名舞者開o既,為o既係推廣呢種文化藝術,好多館藏都係佢自己啲珍貴收藏品~~SONY DSC

一入到去先係一個flamenco o既表演場地,呢度夜晚都有show開,但我哋一早買好飛去另一間,所以呢度只參觀啫~ 閱讀全文

4-11-2013:西班牙day 5(part 1).超級迷宮Santa Cruz@Sevilla


先一晚明明仲有一件重要事,掛住講啲高興o既大商場美食水族館,因為冇乜損失,居然唔記得講我哋今個trip唯一一次o既被小偷睇中~一早就知道西班牙治安麻麻,勁多小偷,估唔到大家會遇到小偷o既frequency真係咁高~話說我哋離開Maremagnum已經好攰好眼瞓,歸心似箭之時,仲要係地鐵轉車先返到酒店,我半夢半醒同day一齊係地鐵度行時忽然聽到day大喝一聲,我都唔知佢喝中文定英文定咩,我即刻嚇醒咗,原來佢驚覺有人拉佢背囊條拉鍊﹗﹗好在發覺得早,嗰條拉鍊都拉開咗三分之一,而day o既銀包同身份証+我哋一半o既歐羅確實就係嗰度入面,差多幾秒就大件事~好在有今次o既經歷,之後都更提高驚覺~SONY DSC

雖然第一張相已經嚟到Sevilla,其實呢程火車係最長嗰程,要坐大概五個鐘﹗我哋怕時間難預,而且因為時間都幾早,我哋打從一開始就打算係火車站買早餐,唔知入閘仲有冇嘢賣,所以去到火車站大堂就有理冇理買咗先,我牛刀小試用西班牙文,簡單的買咗兩個牛角包,day o既齋啡同埋我o既奶啡,算係成功吧﹗heehee~但唔成功o既係要拎住兩大件行李再加兩杯熱飲同埋包包,於是男人管重o既,女人管食o既,一樣掂~ 閱讀全文


DAY 10 @ USA

umum… Still not feeling well today.

I woke up naturally around 8am in the morning. I sat in front of the computer but unable to talk to Day and Ga Jie logically. It was a MESS! Day told me to go to sleep again. When I woke up again, it was already 12noon!!! Feeling much better when I finally got up.

Super hungry, I looked for food in the fridge. Except the vegetable buns I ate yesterday, I couldn’t locate anything for breakfast. Reheating it by steaming, wait for 10 minutes, oh no, too little water in the pot!!! I’m really sorry, Hong.

Luckily the kitchen was not burnt.

Hong came back a bit earlier than I expected (the smell was still here), we left home around 2pm. Today our destination was the Mystery Spot at Santa Cruz (see, a lot of names in California are in Spanish, a place very close to us is called Los Gatos<–which means the cats!!!).

On the way to Santa Cruz.

We missed the exit to Santa Cruz!!! But really need to T-H-A-N-K G-O-D! After we exited the freeway, looking for the way to the Mystery Spot, being confused on the street, the visitor information centre was just IN FRONT OF US!!! How can it be so amazing?! We finally got to the Mystery Spot with just 45 minutes.

The Mystery Spot is a place where it is said to have an unusual magnetic field so that anything would be pulled towards the field. I doubt about this theory but it is quite interesting.

When I stand straightly, my body leans forward without falling. Try this posture on a level ground. It is impossible to do this.

We had to join the 30-minute guided tour to visit the Mystery Spot. The guide showed us a lot of experiments. We had a chance to take part in those experiments.

Of course we need to take a picture in front of the entrance~

We then drive back home. Before going home, we went to a Chinese supermarket to buy something.

We saw a wild deer on the way we drove back home!!! How can you imagine you see a deer when you are driving??

The Chinese supermarket is very large and there are even more different kinds of food selling there. They sell various kinds of fresh vegetables and frozen, canned, dried Chinese food of brands of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Reaching home!!! A picture taken in front of the big entrance of Hong’s apartment.

I had to sleep again. Another 2 hours. I woke up only when dinner was ready.

Benson (Hong’s boyfriend) came here this evening. He cooked ALL the dishes (Hong, of course, helped a bit with the preparation work~) we had tonight!!! It was SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Onion beef ribs, steamed eggs, fried vegetables with garlic and rice seasoned by garlic!!! Wow~