26-7-2014:加州婚禮+夏威夷day 1(part 2).幸福滿滿的上頭祝福

今次再嚟美國時我同day已經係一個家庭嘅單位嚟過關入境了,美國嘅immigration出名多嘢問同埋花時間,但今次問咗我哋兩個問題嚟做乜嚟幾耐就放我哋過去了,等埋行李都好快就出到嚟啦~不過飛機delay咗,唔知airport shuttle嗰度影唔影響呢?DSCN0060

今次住嘅酒店,係珊珊一早幫我哋訂好咗離三藩市較遠,但位於離佢住家、婚禮場所較近嘅Campbell,所以一般嘅公共交通就去唔到隸屬San Jose嘅呢個小鎮了~我出發前預先上網訂咗一間叫做SuperShuttle嘅公司, 閱讀全文

8-2-2011:USA trip day 7(part 1).享受加州陽光+田園味


呢度就係佢住o既地方喇﹗對於香港人嚟講,哇,實在太大間屋了~好開心啊, 閱讀全文

7-2-2011:USA trip day 6.與康熊貓聚聚舊@Japan Town & Muir Woods

嚟到呢度,又進入行程o既第三個階段﹗第一階段就係Las Vegas啦,第二階段就自己玩San Francisco啦,而家嚟到第三階段,我哋同康熊貓聚聚舊,佢會帶我哋周圍去玩﹗而且係充滿住神秘感+驚喜o既行程呢,全權由康熊貓決定,我哋無論去到邊都會好高興o架~

首先我哋約咗朝早十點左右係San Francisco o既Stratford Hotel pick up我哋,不過佢搵呢個地方都花咗少少時間,而且又塞車,所以我哋碰面o既時間都晏晏地lu~我哋直奔去食lunch o既地方~康熊貓帶咗我哋去Japan Town食嘢~

我問佢呢啲盛開o既粉紅色小花係咪櫻花,佢話係cherry blossom,咁即是係櫻花啦﹗估唔到去到加州都會見到櫻花呢~ 閱讀全文


DAY 13 @ USA

好o野~今日又可以打中文lu,因為有得用康露明部電腦﹗今日其實未一切結束o架,但因為陣間就上飛機lu,所以要打o左先,我坐overnight o既飛機番去new york,跟住星期二就再經首爾飛番香港﹗好掛住爸媽姐同day,仲有其他朋友仔呀﹗16日咁長o既旅程(竟然)差唔多完啦﹗

今日o既行程唔係太多~上晝番o左教會,佢o地個崇拜又唔係太傳統o個種,詩歌敬拜–>聖餐–>講道–>奉獻–>報告–>祝福,就係咁咋~跟住我o地去o左farmers’ market﹗


首先係個門口影一影先~睇到個大概﹗呀,我件tee係新o架,尋日係rainforest cafe間shop度買,係隻呱﹗好靚啊~





再出去食lunch,終於去o左康皓珊介紹o既超好味漢堡飽店in and out度食﹗

in and out主張健康o既食物,所有材料都冇冷藏過,漢堡用新鮮牛肉o黎做,薯條都係用新鮮薯仔切成,好好味呀~佢個menu就只有三款飽,普通hamburger、cheeseburger同埋double double (其實即係兩層o既cheeseburger),三款飽就維持到生意,勁﹗我就咁要hamburger咋,因為驚D cheese會遮住D牛肉o既味﹗

之後就開始shopping之旅lu,因為就快係美國國慶,所以周圍都on sale﹗買o左少少咁多啦~


好啦,要出發去機場lu~下一篇diary已經係new york寫啦﹗


DAY 10 @ USA

umum… Still not feeling well today.

I woke up naturally around 8am in the morning. I sat in front of the computer but unable to talk to Day and Ga Jie logically. It was a MESS! Day told me to go to sleep again. When I woke up again, it was already 12noon!!! Feeling much better when I finally got up.

Super hungry, I looked for food in the fridge. Except the vegetable buns I ate yesterday, I couldn’t locate anything for breakfast. Reheating it by steaming, wait for 10 minutes, oh no, too little water in the pot!!! I’m really sorry, Hong.

Luckily the kitchen was not burnt.

Hong came back a bit earlier than I expected (the smell was still here), we left home around 2pm. Today our destination was the Mystery Spot at Santa Cruz (see, a lot of names in California are in Spanish, a place very close to us is called Los Gatos<–which means the cats!!!).

On the way to Santa Cruz.

We missed the exit to Santa Cruz!!! But really need to T-H-A-N-K G-O-D! After we exited the freeway, looking for the way to the Mystery Spot, being confused on the street, the visitor information centre was just IN FRONT OF US!!! How can it be so amazing?! We finally got to the Mystery Spot with just 45 minutes.

The Mystery Spot is a place where it is said to have an unusual magnetic field so that anything would be pulled towards the field. I doubt about this theory but it is quite interesting.

When I stand straightly, my body leans forward without falling. Try this posture on a level ground. It is impossible to do this.

We had to join the 30-minute guided tour to visit the Mystery Spot. The guide showed us a lot of experiments. We had a chance to take part in those experiments.

Of course we need to take a picture in front of the entrance~

We then drive back home. Before going home, we went to a Chinese supermarket to buy something.

We saw a wild deer on the way we drove back home!!! How can you imagine you see a deer when you are driving??

The Chinese supermarket is very large and there are even more different kinds of food selling there. They sell various kinds of fresh vegetables and frozen, canned, dried Chinese food of brands of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Reaching home!!! A picture taken in front of the big entrance of Hong’s apartment.

I had to sleep again. Another 2 hours. I woke up only when dinner was ready.

Benson (Hong’s boyfriend) came here this evening. He cooked ALL the dishes (Hong, of course, helped a bit with the preparation work~) we had tonight!!! It was SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Onion beef ribs, steamed eggs, fried vegetables with garlic and rice seasoned by garlic!!! Wow~