6-2-2011:USA trip day 5(part 2).華盛頓廣場、bay cruise、金門大橋、漁人碼頭

係Little Italy食飽飽之後,我哋就向住下一個大目的地進發,我哋諗住去漁人碼頭,而去參觀金門大橋o既Bay Cruise所上船o既碼頭亦係Fishermen’s Wharf~與此同時,我哋會路過一啲小景點,都去行下啦~順便感受下呢個加州城市o既風情﹗

行過去Saints Peter and Paul Church…

噢,咁啱做緊維修添~之前上網睇過係好靚o既建築嚟o架~ 閱讀全文

6-2-2011:USA trip day 5(part 1).三藩市@農夫市場、大會堂、九曲花街、小意大利

係Stratford Hotel好好咁休息一晚,再出發去玩﹗因為呢日都唔需要點樣趕行程,所以我o地容許自己瞓覺o既時限…就係最後仲有得食早餐為限﹗Stratford Hotel雖然係budget hotel,但都包簡單o既早餐喎~

有juice啦、咖啡茶任飲啦,又有cornflakes、多士,最重要係有day鍾意o既香蕉味蛋糕﹗環境都舒適,望落街就係Powell Street o既熱鬧情況~ 閱讀全文

5-2-2011:USA trip day 4(part 2).NBA球賽呀﹗Let’s go WARRIORS~

講真,其實今次去美國西岸o既地方基本上以前都有去過,Las Vegas就十幾年前同屋企人去啦,而San Francisco其實2006年時都有去過,咁當然啦,今次同day去,感受都好唔同o既,不過另一樣嘢,令今次個trip增加好多令人期待o既感覺﹗

因為係香港時,我忽然諗起,不過我哋去美國時去睇NBA啦﹗一個我自己都好滿意o既提議呢~知道Oakland o既主隊係Golden State Warriors,就去佢哋個網頁度搵下賽程啦﹗其實係呢個之前我哋都未聽過Warriors o架,我哋逗留係San Francisco呢段時間,可以睇到對Chicago Bulls或者對Phoenix City Sun,因為我哋會將後半截o既時間留俾朋友康熊貓,所以就決定去睇2月5號o既Chicago Bulls了﹗

對Warriors毫無認識,我哋又決心呢場波一定要捧Warriors,主場喎~於是上網買飛嗰日我同day講:「我哋由今日開始要做Warriors o既fans呀﹗」說時遲,那時快,馬上就見到佢like咗facebook入面Warriors個page﹗哈哈,自此以後,我哋就有Warriors最新o既消息啦,係唔認識佢哋任何一個球員情況之下,我哋會討論,「呀,尋晚贏咗波﹗」「哎吔~輸咗俾xx添~」~真係好傻瓜~不過我都有請教過我姐夫,佢都簡介過Warriors隊波俾我知~

Warriors o既主場可以搭BART去到,叫做Oracle Arena~我哋提早咗去到呀,諗住可能要搵一搵個地方啦,二來要購物呀,既然做得fans,梗係要著番件Warriors衫啦~

去到時,哇~個黃昏好靚呀~啲顏色簡直好似砌圖o既畫面﹗ 閱讀全文

5-2-2011:USA trip day 4(part 1).Oakland唐人街.加州博物館.Lake Meritt

準備進入旅程o既第二部份了﹗我哋搭十一點幾o既內陸機,由Las Vegas飛番過去San Francisco,過到去三藩市,我哋會自己玩兩日,之後康熊貓珊珊就會嚟接我哋帶我哋去玩lu~


今次去到Las Vegas McCarran機場可以影下相了,嚟時得自己一個人,行李又多,影相都唔方便~淨係想快啲跳上架車度返酒店~

行嚟行去都行咗好耐先至坐低食早餐,因為間間都好貴添… 閱讀全文


DAY 12 @ USA

The second last day at Hong’s place!!! Today we went to San Francisco. Going to bed late the night before, we slept until around 8am, being waken up by my dad’s phone call. “WHY DON’T YOU GET UP? ENGLAND VS PORTUGAL!!!” haha~ We are watching the other match in San Francisco~

We went to the China Town of San Francisco to have breakfast (probably brunch). On the way there, we ate some of the fruits that we bought yesterday. We went there to have some congee (Hong made a mistake~ She thought that the “sang-gwun-ngao-yuk-juk” equals to “min-chi-ngao-yuk-juk”!!), “ngao-lei-so” and “ja-leung”. They were very delicious but the portion was too big.

Then we joined Hong’s sister’s friend Daniel to watch the World Cup match at Little Italy (a region where there are a lot of italian people and shops). The better pubs and restaurants were full of people. We went into a small pub. The pubs here are non-smoking, which is SO GOOD. The pub seems to me that it is a place for the oldies…oops! The atmosphere was not too good but the TVs were good.

France won! Wow~ Before the match, I actually hoped that France would won because Spain was defeated in the previous round. If France is really that good, Spain is not shameful to lose. I’m not too sure if the whole team is good or not but Zidane is really fit today. Looking forward to the future matches.

After watching the game, we walked around the city: China Town, Union Square, Cable Car museum…and some places that I don’t know how to name.

Daniel said that the triangular building behind us is a bank.

This is a very famous street (I don’t know the exact name of it). Have you ever seen the Mainland version of karaoke of Miriam’s “joi-kin-yi-ding-muk”? It was filmed here. (I wonder how it is related!!!)

Hong’s sister had left afterwards. She went to see a concert (the group is called “Il Divo”, they sing the theme song of the World Cup this year~) tonight. So only Hong and I remained. Then we went to the Fishermen Wharf.

There are a lot of seafood restaurants near the pier. We bought some fish and chips to eat. It was quite expensive but tasted good.

We walked around the nice shops and enjoying there for a long time.

Very nice environment.

There was a gallery showing different artwork. Remember sea otters?

I like this very much. Seal family~

We finally had our dinner late. We ate in the Rainforest Cafe. The one in Hong Kong has closed for many years. I love this restaurant so much! Nice environment, nice food.

When we drove back home, I was super sleepy. Hong told me to sleep…but I think, I’m sleepy, she must be sleepy too, I should chat with her in order to keep her alert. But…I failed to do this. I fell asleep very soon in the car.

Need to get up early tomorrow morning again. We are going to Hong’s church.