3-2-2011:USA trip day 2.大峽谷bus tour

一早時已經講好會同day o既同事們一齊join tour去參觀大峽谷,由Las Vegas出發o既大峽谷tour有好多,初時我諗住參加飛機+巴士tour o架,即是既可以由飛機高處俯瞰大峽谷,即可以坐巴士停低south rim啲景點,可以用對腳去行下感受下~不過一來價錢相對地比較貴啦(US$200 vs US$80),而且大家又有啲擔心氣流問題,結果大家決定參加巴士tour了~其實由Las Vegas出發都叫做「穿州過省」,因為LV為於Nevada州,而Grand Canyon呢就係Arizona州~搭車單程都要五個鐘﹗

代價嘛…雖然有酒店pick up,而且我哋係pick up尾站,但我哋集合時間係清晨5:50am﹗即使係咁,我哋依然要食一份熱辣辣o既早餐先去集合,打聽好了,酒店o既麥當勞開5:00am﹗所以我哋未夠5:00am就起咗身啦~老實講,先前嗰晚睇「O」搞到咁夜,確實未好好咁休息過…anyway,搭車咁多時間,大把機會瞓覺啦~ 閱讀全文

2-2-2011:USA trip day 1.抵步Las Vegas + "O" show by Cirque du Soleil

今次呢個trip都算係適逢其會,正因為day一月底要去Las Vegas工幹四日,咁就不如趁飛開過去就留低玩幾日咯~我又好好彩攞到annual leave喎,可以頭尾去到美國西岸九日呀~因為經San Francisco飛Las Vegas,所以我哋個trip o既行程就係咁喇:

day 1 香港 -> Las Vegas
day 2 Grand Canyon day trip
day 3 Las Vegas city
day 4 Las Vegas -> San Francisco -> Oakland + NBA球賽
day 5 San Francisco city
day 6 San Francisco -> Muir Woods by 康熊貓珊珊
day 7 Carmel by-the-sea by 康熊貓珊珊
day 8-9 Las Vegas -> 香港


呢架就係我將要坐o既United Airlines班機了﹗check-in前day同事幫我訂機票時已經劃好位了,所以非常好地有路口位坐,不過坐係內地旅行團中間添… 閱讀全文


DAY 13 @ USA

好o野~今日又可以打中文lu,因為有得用康露明部電腦﹗今日其實未一切結束o架,但因為陣間就上飛機lu,所以要打o左先,我坐overnight o既飛機番去new york,跟住星期二就再經首爾飛番香港﹗好掛住爸媽姐同day,仲有其他朋友仔呀﹗16日咁長o既旅程(竟然)差唔多完啦﹗

今日o既行程唔係太多~上晝番o左教會,佢o地個崇拜又唔係太傳統o個種,詩歌敬拜–>聖餐–>講道–>奉獻–>報告–>祝福,就係咁咋~跟住我o地去o左farmers’ market﹗


首先係個門口影一影先~睇到個大概﹗呀,我件tee係新o架,尋日係rainforest cafe間shop度買,係隻呱﹗好靚啊~





再出去食lunch,終於去o左康皓珊介紹o既超好味漢堡飽店in and out度食﹗

in and out主張健康o既食物,所有材料都冇冷藏過,漢堡用新鮮牛肉o黎做,薯條都係用新鮮薯仔切成,好好味呀~佢個menu就只有三款飽,普通hamburger、cheeseburger同埋double double (其實即係兩層o既cheeseburger),三款飽就維持到生意,勁﹗我就咁要hamburger咋,因為驚D cheese會遮住D牛肉o既味﹗

之後就開始shopping之旅lu,因為就快係美國國慶,所以周圍都on sale﹗買o左少少咁多啦~


好啦,要出發去機場lu~下一篇diary已經係new york寫啦﹗


DAY 12 @ USA

The second last day at Hong’s place!!! Today we went to San Francisco. Going to bed late the night before, we slept until around 8am, being waken up by my dad’s phone call. “WHY DON’T YOU GET UP? ENGLAND VS PORTUGAL!!!” haha~ We are watching the other match in San Francisco~

We went to the China Town of San Francisco to have breakfast (probably brunch). On the way there, we ate some of the fruits that we bought yesterday. We went there to have some congee (Hong made a mistake~ She thought that the “sang-gwun-ngao-yuk-juk” equals to “min-chi-ngao-yuk-juk”!!), “ngao-lei-so” and “ja-leung”. They were very delicious but the portion was too big.

Then we joined Hong’s sister’s friend Daniel to watch the World Cup match at Little Italy (a region where there are a lot of italian people and shops). The better pubs and restaurants were full of people. We went into a small pub. The pubs here are non-smoking, which is SO GOOD. The pub seems to me that it is a place for the oldies…oops! The atmosphere was not too good but the TVs were good.

France won! Wow~ Before the match, I actually hoped that France would won because Spain was defeated in the previous round. If France is really that good, Spain is not shameful to lose. I’m not too sure if the whole team is good or not but Zidane is really fit today. Looking forward to the future matches.

After watching the game, we walked around the city: China Town, Union Square, Cable Car museum…and some places that I don’t know how to name.

Daniel said that the triangular building behind us is a bank.

This is a very famous street (I don’t know the exact name of it). Have you ever seen the Mainland version of karaoke of Miriam’s “joi-kin-yi-ding-muk”? It was filmed here. (I wonder how it is related!!!)

Hong’s sister had left afterwards. She went to see a concert (the group is called “Il Divo”, they sing the theme song of the World Cup this year~) tonight. So only Hong and I remained. Then we went to the Fishermen Wharf.

There are a lot of seafood restaurants near the pier. We bought some fish and chips to eat. It was quite expensive but tasted good.

We walked around the nice shops and enjoying there for a long time.

Very nice environment.

There was a gallery showing different artwork. Remember sea otters?

I like this very much. Seal family~

We finally had our dinner late. We ate in the Rainforest Cafe. The one in Hong Kong has closed for many years. I love this restaurant so much! Nice environment, nice food.

When we drove back home, I was super sleepy. Hong told me to sleep…but I think, I’m sleepy, she must be sleepy too, I should chat with her in order to keep her alert. But…I failed to do this. I fell asleep very soon in the car.

Need to get up early tomorrow morning again. We are going to Hong’s church.

30-6-2006:享受陽光half moon bay.書卷氣@stanford

DAY 11 @ USA

I’m SUPER STUPID!!! I got a sunburn! I feel very hot on the skin of my arms now!!!

We got up very late this morning (we chatted until very late last night). I missed the chance to talk to Day in MSN.

And I will not be able to talk to him tomorrow morning as well. We are going to San Francisco tomorrow!!!

We went to the Half Moon Bay today. We expected to come across farms that we could pick cherries there. However, only fresh fruits were sold. We then went to the beach directly. It was sunny but also windy and it was a bit cold.

The beach was very long and beautiful. The weather was so good. There were not so many people on the beach. Only a few families went camping there. We then walked onto the beach. The sand was warm and comfortable to touch. The sea water was freezing!!!

We lied on the sand. It was so comfortable that we didn’t want to leave.

The beach was so big and not crowded (it is so difficult to find a space in the beahces in Hong Kong during summertime~).

When we left the beach, we stopped at a fruit shop in front of a farm. We bought some strawberries, cherries (there are yellow and red cherries) and mo-fa-guo. It was the first time I eat mo-fa-guo. Its outlook is like an eggplant. But the texture is like a “lum-chi”. Hong said that it contains a lot of fibre!!! Very healthy.

Hong has prepared a box and water for washing the fruits so that we could eat them as soon as we bought them. The fruits were so sweet and fresh!!! This is California!!!

We then went to Stanford. Hong’s sister is now studying there for her master. She took me to look around. Hong and I went to the Stanford Mall first. We had our lunch there (but the time was already tea time), in MacDonald’s (I ate the chicken sticks, which is not sold in Hong Kong).

The letter “S” (stanford) at the main entrance. A must-take-photo spot.

The chapel was very beautiful. Hong’s sister said that alumni of the university can get married in it but she will not because she doesn’t want to see that the seats are not completely filled up. Haha~

Medical school of the Stanford University. Taking a picture with Benson (Hong’s boyfriend, his name appeared yesterday).

We then had our dinner in a Japanese restaurant in a town nearby.

Hong’s sister was the boss tonight. She has just received her salary. A very nice meal!!!