25-7-2014:加州婚禮+夏威夷day 0.第一站首爾


點解美國嘅trip個blog title會係「第一站首爾」呢,因為我哋去程會係首爾轉機,中間transit時間有11個鐘,我呢個韓迷梗係唔會乖乖地留係機場啦,何況仁川國際機場個蒸氣房我哋以前就(蠢蠢地)去過了(請參閱:14-4-2012:首爾濟州櫻花遊day 7.笨蛋的奇遇),有11個鐘,絕對有足夠時間入境去玩丫﹗首爾嘅detail大家記得留意下一篇blog啊~

今次又係凌晨機,我哋起飛時間係凌晨一點鐘,所以先一晚十點左右就要由屋企出發啦﹗時間咁夜,day仲可以照返工,放工返嚟悠閒出街食個飯(悠閒到食咗「牛角」嘅燒肉﹗﹗),返屋企沖個涼至再出門口﹗行李都多多地,除咗我哋自己嘅兩隻喼之外,要幫珊珊由香港帶套裙褂過去,同埋佢嘅禮物﹗怕寄行李寄失,破壞咗人哋一生人一次嘅完美婚禮,我決定hand carry套裙褂啦,所以一袋二袋的~


搭機場巴士去機場ing~ 閱讀全文

4-2-2011:USA trip day 3(part 2).華麗酒店群@the strip, Las Vegas

係Las Vegas,最多賭場酒店嗰一條大直路一般稱為「the strip」,而Luxor幾乎已經係strip o既一端了,更加端端o既就係Mandalay Bay酒店,因為我哋要去睇Shark Reef,所以都行咗過去~

金光澄澄o既Mandalay Bay酒店~入面都好華麗呢~ 閱讀全文



I am sorry to tell all of you that I have to write my diary in English in these few days because I can’t type Chinese in Hong’s computer. Hope you still enjoy reading my diary.

Although I should have a bit of jet lag (California is 3 hours slower than New York), I could still wake up around 8am. May be another reason was that I had to talk to Day in MSN!!! 8am here is 11pm in Hong Kong, a perfect time for chatting in MSN. Expectedly (luckily), he’s there~ I chatted with him and at the same time getting some breakfast from Hong’s fridge. CHINESE BUNS (vegetables+mushroom<–Day called it as “pretty girl bun”, haha~)!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

We were going to the Monterey Aquarium this afternoon. We started our activity around 12 noon, after Hong had come back from school. Before the 2-hour journey, she brought me to a very colourful shop to buy a drink. We shared a “Power-sized Mango-a-go-go”, which is a mango+pineapple smoothie. It was chilled and ideal for such a hot hot weather (actually the weather here is very strange)!!! In this shop, they can split a Power-sized drink into two for you for free. That’s why you see the picture below has two identical cups. Very nice~

Mango-a-go-go, accompanied us throughout the 2-hour journey (finally only 1 1/2 hour~).After reaching Monterey, we entered the aquarium immediately. Last night, Hong Lo Ming suggested us to have our lunch in the cafeteria of the aquarium.

We bought 2 soups, a clam chowder (left) and a roasted chicken vegetable soup (right). The crackers were free of charge!!! They gave us 4 packages but we only ate 2. Both were nice but the clam chowder was thicker, which was better for lunch.We finished our lunch within half a hour because we had to watch the mini seahorse show at 2:30pm.

The staff (with blue cap) explained to us the features of a seahorse: a fin like a fish, a pouch like a kangaroo, a tail like a monkey and a face like a horse. As seahorse daddy bears the kids, she looked for a dad in the audience to pretend a seahorse!!! There was not a lot of information in the show but it was fun.

After finishing this, we walked around the aquarium. There is a wide variety of marine animals. The aquarium is nicely decorated, which is comparable to the aquarium I went to in Shanghai.

Of course we had to look at the sea otters!!! They are the leading roles of the aquarium. We looked at them during the feeding time. Very cute!!!

In the aquarium, you could not only look at the fish, you also had a chance to touch them.

I was touching a ray. Slippy body!!!

These are sardines!!! What do you think of, Ga Jie? These sardines really open their mouth wide and eat the food.

Haha…Penguins penguins.We stayed at the aquarium until it closed at 6pm. Then we went for dinner in “Bubba Gum”. It is the restaurant of Forrest Gump!!!

Remember Forrest Gump playing football? The teammates just told him, “Run, Forrest, Run!!!”. In this restaurant, you use this sign to call for a waiter’s help. You need his service, then you flip to the sign “Stop, Forrest, Stop” or otherwise it is “Run, Forrest, Run.” Fun, huh?

We were very very full after the dinner!!! It was a nice restaurant. The atmosphere was good but the food was a bit too strong for me.