
DAY 12 @ USA

The second last day at Hong’s place!!! Today we went to San Francisco. Going to bed late the night before, we slept until around 8am, being waken up by my dad’s phone call. “WHY DON’T YOU GET UP? ENGLAND VS PORTUGAL!!!” haha~ We are watching the other match in San Francisco~

We went to the China Town of San Francisco to have breakfast (probably brunch). On the way there, we ate some of the fruits that we bought yesterday. We went there to have some congee (Hong made a mistake~ She thought that the “sang-gwun-ngao-yuk-juk” equals to “min-chi-ngao-yuk-juk”!!), “ngao-lei-so” and “ja-leung”. They were very delicious but the portion was too big.

Then we joined Hong’s sister’s friend Daniel to watch the World Cup match at Little Italy (a region where there are a lot of italian people and shops). The better pubs and restaurants were full of people. We went into a small pub. The pubs here are non-smoking, which is SO GOOD. The pub seems to me that it is a place for the oldies…oops! The atmosphere was not too good but the TVs were good.

France won! Wow~ Before the match, I actually hoped that France would won because Spain was defeated in the previous round. If France is really that good, Spain is not shameful to lose. I’m not too sure if the whole team is good or not but Zidane is really fit today. Looking forward to the future matches.

After watching the game, we walked around the city: China Town, Union Square, Cable Car museum…and some places that I don’t know how to name.

Daniel said that the triangular building behind us is a bank.

This is a very famous street (I don’t know the exact name of it). Have you ever seen the Mainland version of karaoke of Miriam’s “joi-kin-yi-ding-muk”? It was filmed here. (I wonder how it is related!!!)

Hong’s sister had left afterwards. She went to see a concert (the group is called “Il Divo”, they sing the theme song of the World Cup this year~) tonight. So only Hong and I remained. Then we went to the Fishermen Wharf.

There are a lot of seafood restaurants near the pier. We bought some fish and chips to eat. It was quite expensive but tasted good.

We walked around the nice shops and enjoying there for a long time.

Very nice environment.

There was a gallery showing different artwork. Remember sea otters?

I like this very much. Seal family~

We finally had our dinner late. We ate in the Rainforest Cafe. The one in Hong Kong has closed for many years. I love this restaurant so much! Nice environment, nice food.

When we drove back home, I was super sleepy. Hong told me to sleep…but I think, I’m sleepy, she must be sleepy too, I should chat with her in order to keep her alert. But…I failed to do this. I fell asleep very soon in the car.

Need to get up early tomorrow morning again. We are going to Hong’s church.



在《1-7-2006:大個女再去三藩市》中有 10 則留言

  1. 看到那水瀨,我第一時間仲以為是蛋糕…haha…因為望落去好以聖誕蛋糕呢﹗

  2. really sorry that i only replied your msg right now. hee… i miss you so much la.. haven't seen you for so long….. your trip sounds so fun….. looking forward to hear more from you when you come back to HK!

  3. Re ga jie: Hahaha~~~~~~ Christmas Cake!!! Before reading your reply, I didn't realized that sea otters are in fact shui-lai!!! I thought it was a different kind of animal. They are so big here but the ones we saw in the Ocean Park was just like a cat~

  4. 原意只是想跟你分享看足球的樂趣,並沒有打算叫醒你的。你和家姐、媽看球的興致最高,前些時候你曾說八時就起床,沒料到我的來電把你們兩位渴睡的年輕人弄醒了,而你竟然放棄了看碧咸呢?那場球賽的確精采,鍾連續兩晚都看到加時和互射十二碼,她的抗睡能力經世界杯賽的鍛鍊,的確增長了不少啊!

  5. 我都覺得好似蛋糕~~~哈哈哈~~~ 你就黎返香港喇….一定好唔捨得康… 不過你都應該要開始掛住我地~~~哈哈哈~~~ 唉…今屆world cup我只認真地睇咗揭幕戰…. 之後…..難得哥哥專登裝咗有線… 我就….都係爛訓累事….:p 如果6/7一齊食lunch可以/好嗎?

  6. Re爹爹: 因為o個日我o地本身就唔打算睇第一場嘛,行程係要去三藩市,然後約o左佢o地一個朋友係o個度睇巴西o個場,所以咪未起身o羅~其實係…嘻嘻…三位渴睡o既年輕人﹗因為康皓珊姐姐o個晚都o黎o左訓呀~ 哇,媽咪咁叻呀?因為世界盃可以對抗睡魔﹗不過都要一場精彩o既球賽先得,悶o既話都一樣會眼訓﹗

  7. Re mandy: 乜你咁徙呀~我開頭分組賽時睇o左好多,但o黎o左美國之後因為日日都出去玩,睇少o左好多lu~有時覺得咁遠o黎到竟然搵間餐廳/pub去睇波,一睇就 兩三個鐘,好似又好徙咁…所以都冇經常咁做,哎吔吔,semi-final我係飛機上面呀,得番final咋,希望好睇啦~ 掛住呀,掛住你o地呀~ 我唔sure 6/7得唔得呀,因為有個friend生日,會約出o黎,但我未知約佢o地幾多點。我都想快D見到你o地﹗要收手信嘛~唔知佢o地兩個搵到工未呢?

  8. d 海瀨不是手拿貝殼便是海星~ 沒其他野食麼~ 施丹好勁呀!!! 我又不覺是聖誕蛋糕bor! 只是一堆朱古力 ta 咩野食都要影呢~

  9. Re day: 好似佢o地都會食蟹的﹗但心口捧著個貝殼or海星好似cutie D﹗ 因為以前我同姐食過有個聖誕蛋糕,蛋糕o既造型係一條橫放o既樹幹,所以佢一講我就明佢咩意思啦~ 你話個fish and chips?咩喎~fish and chips係漁人碼頭o既標準(特色)食物o黎o架~唔係亂咁影o架~

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