
DAY 10 @ USA

umum… Still not feeling well today.

I woke up naturally around 8am in the morning. I sat in front of the computer but unable to talk to Day and Ga Jie logically. It was a MESS! Day told me to go to sleep again. When I woke up again, it was already 12noon!!! Feeling much better when I finally got up.

Super hungry, I looked for food in the fridge. Except the vegetable buns I ate yesterday, I couldn’t locate anything for breakfast. Reheating it by steaming, wait for 10 minutes, oh no, too little water in the pot!!! I’m really sorry, Hong.

Luckily the kitchen was not burnt.

Hong came back a bit earlier than I expected (the smell was still here), we left home around 2pm. Today our destination was the Mystery Spot at Santa Cruz (see, a lot of names in California are in Spanish, a place very close to us is called Los Gatos<–which means the cats!!!).

On the way to Santa Cruz.

We missed the exit to Santa Cruz!!! But really need to T-H-A-N-K G-O-D! After we exited the freeway, looking for the way to the Mystery Spot, being confused on the street, the visitor information centre was just IN FRONT OF US!!! How can it be so amazing?! We finally got to the Mystery Spot with just 45 minutes.

The Mystery Spot is a place where it is said to have an unusual magnetic field so that anything would be pulled towards the field. I doubt about this theory but it is quite interesting.

When I stand straightly, my body leans forward without falling. Try this posture on a level ground. It is impossible to do this.

We had to join the 30-minute guided tour to visit the Mystery Spot. The guide showed us a lot of experiments. We had a chance to take part in those experiments.

Of course we need to take a picture in front of the entrance~

We then drive back home. Before going home, we went to a Chinese supermarket to buy something.

We saw a wild deer on the way we drove back home!!! How can you imagine you see a deer when you are driving??

The Chinese supermarket is very large and there are even more different kinds of food selling there. They sell various kinds of fresh vegetables and frozen, canned, dried Chinese food of brands of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Reaching home!!! A picture taken in front of the big entrance of Hong’s apartment.

I had to sleep again. Another 2 hours. I woke up only when dinner was ready.

Benson (Hong’s boyfriend) came here this evening. He cooked ALL the dishes (Hong, of course, helped a bit with the preparation work~) we had tonight!!! It was SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Onion beef ribs, steamed eggs, fried vegetables with garlic and rice seasoned by garlic!!! Wow~



在《29-6-2006:神奇點》中有 7 則留言

  1. 旅行在外,很多人對食都可能特別敏感,這或與平日所吃的都不一樣之故。近年我們一家去旅行,每到一個地方,總是試試不同的美食。如果有機會在外動手煮一餐中國菜,更是雀躍。你在網上也寫了些食譜和食評,你在康的家,可有一顯身手之意?這是與好朋友的最佳分享。

  2. 難明係因為你成日講d唔知咩terms啦~~ 原來你昨天去o個個aquarium可以摸d魚魚….好特別呀~~~~~ 你爸爸都講得啱喎~不如你都試下煮一餐同康分享吓~~~ 唔…其實….駕車的是康嗎??

  3. 你令我想起alex 叮公仔麵叮到common room 臭哂~ 像少林僧人做些不可能的動作!?! 哇~盆蒸蛋超巨呀~!

  4. Re dad: I'm really frightened to cook for her as she cooks SO WELL!!! And I'm not familiar with her kitchen. I'm responsible for enjoying and praising her food, haha~

  5. Re mandy: Yes, she drives me to everywhere. I really cannot go to any places if I'm alone. In California, the places are so apart and there is little public transport. It's very difficult to get to other places.

  6. Re day: I'm so sorry to Hong that I made her kitchen (and, in fact, the whole house) so SMELLY~ Although you see that the dishes are so big, three of us almost finished them. The little bit remained was taken away by Benson for his lunch today. No wastage, yeah~

  7. Re day: I'm so sorry to Hong that I made her kitchen (and, in fact, the whole house) so SMELLY~ Although you see that the dishes are so big, three of us almost finished them. The little bit remained was taken away by Benson for his lunch today. No wastage, yeah~

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