

I am sorry to tell all of you that I have to write my diary in English in these few days because I can’t type Chinese in Hong’s computer. Hope you still enjoy reading my diary.

Although I should have a bit of jet lag (California is 3 hours slower than New York), I could still wake up around 8am. May be another reason was that I had to talk to Day in MSN!!! 8am here is 11pm in Hong Kong, a perfect time for chatting in MSN. Expectedly (luckily), he’s there~ I chatted with him and at the same time getting some breakfast from Hong’s fridge. CHINESE BUNS (vegetables+mushroom<–Day called it as “pretty girl bun”, haha~)!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

We were going to the Monterey Aquarium this afternoon. We started our activity around 12 noon, after Hong had come back from school. Before the 2-hour journey, she brought me to a very colourful shop to buy a drink. We shared a “Power-sized Mango-a-go-go”, which is a mango+pineapple smoothie. It was chilled and ideal for such a hot hot weather (actually the weather here is very strange)!!! In this shop, they can split a Power-sized drink into two for you for free. That’s why you see the picture below has two identical cups. Very nice~

Mango-a-go-go, accompanied us throughout the 2-hour journey (finally only 1 1/2 hour~).After reaching Monterey, we entered the aquarium immediately. Last night, Hong Lo Ming suggested us to have our lunch in the cafeteria of the aquarium.

We bought 2 soups, a clam chowder (left) and a roasted chicken vegetable soup (right). The crackers were free of charge!!! They gave us 4 packages but we only ate 2. Both were nice but the clam chowder was thicker, which was better for lunch.We finished our lunch within half a hour because we had to watch the mini seahorse show at 2:30pm.

The staff (with blue cap) explained to us the features of a seahorse: a fin like a fish, a pouch like a kangaroo, a tail like a monkey and a face like a horse. As seahorse daddy bears the kids, she looked for a dad in the audience to pretend a seahorse!!! There was not a lot of information in the show but it was fun.

After finishing this, we walked around the aquarium. There is a wide variety of marine animals. The aquarium is nicely decorated, which is comparable to the aquarium I went to in Shanghai.

Of course we had to look at the sea otters!!! They are the leading roles of the aquarium. We looked at them during the feeding time. Very cute!!!

In the aquarium, you could not only look at the fish, you also had a chance to touch them.

I was touching a ray. Slippy body!!!

These are sardines!!! What do you think of, Ga Jie? These sardines really open their mouth wide and eat the food.

Haha…Penguins penguins.We stayed at the aquarium until it closed at 6pm. Then we went for dinner in “Bubba Gum”. It is the restaurant of Forrest Gump!!!

Remember Forrest Gump playing football? The teammates just told him, “Run, Forrest, Run!!!”. In this restaurant, you use this sign to call for a waiter’s help. You need his service, then you flip to the sign “Stop, Forrest, Stop” or otherwise it is “Run, Forrest, Run.” Fun, huh?

We were very very full after the dinner!!! It was a nice restaurant. The atmosphere was good but the food was a bit too strong for me.



在《28-6-2006:我愛水族館》中有 8 則留言

  1. 看見你和康浩珊的食物蠻豐富的,也很吸引。西式使餐,我愈來愈喜歡,尤其蔬菜沙拉,口感很舒服,夾上蔬菜和蛋沙拉醬的麵包也不錯。 最近,望完彌撒後,我們就到屯門的Delifrance吃午餐,我吃了個火腿芝士卷加沙泣,覺得芝士味道很淡,很合胃口,怎知後來才發覺自己擺鳥龍,原來沙拉旁邊的小碟子所放的不是沙拉醬,而是芝士醬!後來嚐了一點,發覺芝士的味道頗濃,這方面還是不太習慣。對我來說,加了芝士醬,味道也許會遜色了呢!

  2. hihi~~ 要hi埋康呀~~ 唔…我發現…..rita你一病,篇日記就會變得好難明…..=.= 不過~~ 小病是福~~~~ 之後要小心d~~~ 異地重逢…好開心呢~~~

  3. Re dad: The food looks great but their flavour, in fact, was too strong for us (Chinese). American love things that are BIG and STRONG. But the atmosphere of that restaurant was really good. Haha~ Cheese, they are quite personal. Just pick those that you like!!!

  4. Re mandy: Difficult to understand?? Really?? Oh no~ Still not feeling well today… I'm really really happy to spend the time with Hong here~

  5. 正當我在看你的blog時,maggie正在我旁邊,她很好奇為什麼竟然會有人扮海馬… 我很喜歡那forrest gump的餐廳,真的很有趣。令我想起有一次同恆仔去沙嗲王食飯,我地想落單,點知舉手叫極個侍應都唔係點睇到咁…攪左好耐先順利落單。後來發現枱面原來有幾個掣,分別係加水、點菜、埋單等等,後來我地想加水,一按鈕就有侍應拿水來了,原來他們眼中只有燈號,沒有顧客。我想知如果你地係個間餐廳,個牌掛著run..forest…run…,但係你舉手叫佢,唔知佢會唔會停低呢? 看過你的"Power-sized Mango-a-go-go",對比番六姨丈整車的車房,發覺美國也有貼心的一面的….  

  6. Re ga jie: One thing good about Americans is that they are more humorous than Chinese people. I don't thing that dad got angry when he wore the seahorse clothes. He's in a mood of vacation!!! It's true that the waiters are less sensitive to a waving arm than the sign, but they were still able to respond to us. I think spliting for free is a very good idea. This makes the customers feeling very happy. I think I need to have this in my restaurant.

  7. Power-sized Mango-a-go-go ,聽個名已很高興了~ 沙甸魚?!( A4紙 的tone!) 雖是dinner~ 但出面仍很光呢~ 你有無同康講 " 哇~ 好飽! " 呀? 看來你去了康那裡玩得很暢快呢~

  8. Re day: Actually before I heard the lovely name "Power-sized Mango-a-go-go", at the moment I just stepped into the shop, I was already very happy. The shop was very colourful and the staff there were energetic!!! They would shout out some slogans! A playful environment~ Um…I need to tell her the story of "Wow, very full!!!". I was super excited this day~ Hong said that she can only be so excited when she is going with a person (that's me) who is so excited! Before that, she was worried that I might not be so excited because it was JUST an aquarium~ You know, I become very happy very easily. (I'm a cheerful person!!! <–Dr Wan said that~)

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